"So... I read your blog."
"Er, just how far did you read?"
"Oh, the whole thing. Right up to the reloaded one."
"......Hey! The tempura's arrived! Try the tempura! They're good!"
But then again, the idea of a blog is to cue other people into what you're thinking, so in this sense, it worked. A little too well for my liking, but it worked. [Hey! How was I supposed to know he could get Internet access in camp???]
Am I embarrassed that he reads some of this stuff? Do you see me holding up the Sakae menu to my face?
Do I regret that he reads it? Nah... In a strange sense it's slightly better this way. It's easier for me to express what I feel online, so this way he knows how I stand on my end. And I kinda appreciate the honesty. Don't like to hold things back from my friends. [Just hope I don't cross some invisible line of privacy or something...]
Of course the flipside is that he knows just how screwed up I am inside. =P Bleurgh..... boogle boogle gee... And kinda balances it out, since most of the [highly imaginative] crap seems to be coming from my end... Bleurgh again...... Most guys, apparently, have a very simple, direct mind. It's the girls who'd come up with a thousand dozen scenarios instead of simply settling for the most simple course. Mars and Venus.
But interestingly, he doesn't remember most of what I write, except for the essence, and especially parts where a 4-letter word appears. Namely: JCSZ.
Wahahaha... so cute... 2 red-faced people sitting opposite each other in Sakae, waiting for their orders to arrive...
Never mind... I shall switch to other topics......

Prisoner of Azkaban
Like, has anyone seen how DAMN CUTE Daniel Radcliffe is, now that he's growing up??? Just look at that 8Days cover with him!! OMG!!! This may seem mildly paedophilic, but he has the makings of a cutie! Now, only 3 more years to go... =P

Azkaban is a pretty good HP movie, with all the darkness and stuff that were so hyped up in the papers. Funnily, not really that dark to me, but then again, I'm a almost-there-satanic-paganistic-unbelieving-what-have-you so it's mild to me. I ain't no fresh-eyed-bright-eyed-innocent-child-o-mine who hasn't been touched by worldly corruption.
But TOO MANY HOLES. There were too many holes in the plotline this time. A lot of stuff in the book that could have fleshed out the storyline and added more depth were sorely missing. Once again, that sense of loss is even greater this time. I would have loved to see the scene where Harry plays Quidditch and accidentally hexes Malfoy with the Patronus charm. [read the book, people...] Things like the Marauders' Map were also left unexplained, and also Harry's talk with Dumbledore at the end, and whatever happened to Sirius was too abrupt.
This mainly resulted in me giving Dragonfly a crash course in Harry after the movie, to fill up all the loopholes in it. Oops...
The more interesting experience, however, concerned the audience. Bearing in mind that we watched it on a weekend, in June, the theatre was filled with kids, and probably every other person there was a HP fan. [Me too! Me too! Expelliarmus!] This also meant that everytime something interesting was about to happen, there would be an excited buzz through the theatre.
"Knight bus... knight bus..."
"It's the whomping willow!"
Talk about spoiling your sense of anticipation. But hey, they're kids... :p
Also interestingly, the theatre was most silent during the action scenes, or more exciting parts, but when it came to the heart-to-heart chats, everyone became restless again. Sigh... kids...... [said in most worldly, adult-like voice]
Another thing about the movie: You catch a pretty grown-up Harry in one scene, and then when they switch scene, suddenly he's a kid again? The kids seem to go from childhood to puberty like an adolescent male switches from alto to baritone. Up, down, up, down. Huh??? Thank goodness for the next film they should be firmly settled into adolescence.
Good movie, but I'll stick to the book. Book 6! When art thou???
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