I saw dead people..... in my presentation!
Once again, this Y.O.O.H. girl is in the com. lab, writing on her blog. ( If you donno what those 4 nos mean, see entry below) but actually, this time I'm not slacking. I'm supposed to be working on a 24 hour final exam but my brain is so stoned and I'm hoping to pump it awake again. ( if you're wondering about the 24 hour exam, it's when the tutor gives out the case study at the end of the lesson, say at 6pm in my case, and we're supposed to bring it home, analyze it and email it back to him by 6pm the next day )
So let me tell u about my OE presentation today. ( Once again, for an explanation of the modules I did this semester in NUSSUX, go to archives and check out the very first entry or so )
Our group analyzed the Columbia incident in NASA ( foam tank fell off, hit left wing of space shuttle, re-entry into earth turned it into flaming ball of fire ) and the organizational factors that led to the incident. ( My groupmates are now convinced that the NASA management are just a bunch of dumb monkeys ) So as a conclusion, we included a photo of the 7 astronauts who died in the crash, posing in the shuttle before takeoff.
There were 7 astronauts right? Well, just as the slide came on, someone pointed out an extra guy standing behind the 7 astronauts, making it 8 people in the photo.
So fine, we said it could've one of the technicians who knew the astronauts.
Then someone else said, " But you can't see his feet!"
And another one said," And he looks as if he has blood coming from his eyes!"
No conspiracy theories. As a practitioner of the Art of Photoshop, I can safely tell you that wherever we took the photo from, someone had digitally cut and paste his face among the astronauts. Not doing a very good job of it, I might add. But it did serve to send some excitement to the class at that point of time, especially as how it was a photo of the 7 of them ( before they died ) on the shuttle ( that killed them later ). The lecturer just had his jaw open during this exchange and everyone was like "What the heck.....?" Hee.... so funny......
Incidentally, my groupmate will be deleting that slide from her desktop the moment she returns to her room.....
I'm bored. I'm a slacker. and yet I don't seem to have all that much time on my hands either. What's with me? What's with my life? Where am I heading? No idea. Who has the answers? No one but God who ain't telling. What does that do for me? Leaves me to wonder around this arid field we call Earth to find my wind and fly to wherever I may.
No English? No Problem!
Friday, November 07, 2003
Thursday, November 06, 2003
More Bored.Slacker from the Com Lab
I'm spending a lot of time in school these days, in the com lab, slacking aren't I? Hyuk hyuk... call it the End-of-School Syndrome, otherwise known as Y.O.O.H., or, Yippee, i'm Out Of Here..... those of you who are quitting or thinking of quitting might identify with this syndrome. Symptoms include fall in productivity, increase in slack, and blissful thoughts of the holiday ahead. Aaaahhh.......
Of course another side effect is that I run out of stuff to write on this blog.... Thus, I've taken up Chemistry. See the column to your left for more details... :p Have fun guys...
Below is what I got when I mixed er, khelathium and kry5y4lium.....
From Krystal's blog, and an example of what happens when we get together. Haha....
For more chemical reactions, go to my personality tests
I'm spending a lot of time in school these days, in the com lab, slacking aren't I? Hyuk hyuk... call it the End-of-School Syndrome, otherwise known as Y.O.O.H., or, Yippee, i'm Out Of Here..... those of you who are quitting or thinking of quitting might identify with this syndrome. Symptoms include fall in productivity, increase in slack, and blissful thoughts of the holiday ahead. Aaaahhh.......
Of course another side effect is that I run out of stuff to write on this blog.... Thus, I've taken up Chemistry. See the column to your left for more details... :p Have fun guys...
Below is what I got when I mixed er, khelathium and kry5y4lium.....
From Krystal's blog, and an example of what happens when we get together. Haha....
The Potion Maker |
kry5t4lium is a cloudy, porous white solid obtained from the sap of a monkshood. |
khelathium is a translucent, fine aquamarine powder siphoned from the heart of an anaconda. |
Mixing kry5t4lium with khelathium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque peach potion which gives the user protection from angry glares. |
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern |
For more chemical reactions, go to my personality tests
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Latest from Bored Slacker:
I've decided that the personality tests take up way too much space here, so from now on, all personality tests will be pasted at:
Bored Slacker's Tests
Hopefully this will ease some of the clog up here...
I've decided that the personality tests take up way too much space here, so from now on, all personality tests will be pasted at:
Bored Slacker's Tests
Hopefully this will ease some of the clog up here...
Let's get Political...
Once again, I'm kicking my heels in the Com Lab waiting for Candle next to me to finish her work, so here I go...
I've decided to talk about something more [intellectual] today than my usual crap. Today I'm griping about the EZ Link card.
Yes, dearies, the humble little tap-as-you-go EZ Link card. Yesterday's news announced that they were gonna raise the non-refundable deposit on the card from 5 to 7 bucks. Why would this affect you, you might think, since the price of the card remains the same?
Well, the main effect is that then, you paid $15 for a card with a stored value of $10, refund deposit of $5, and a non-refundable deposit of $5. Now, you pay $15 for a card, with a $7 stored value, and the non-refund deposit of $7. [the figures might be a little wrong, but essentially, the non-refundable deposit increases and the stored value decreases]
How did this happen? The supplier of the EZ cards is a monopoly in Singapore. [Yes, bizad darlings, we all know what happens when someone gets a monopoly] Their method of earning revenue is when people use the cards, but not when people buy the cards. Essentially, some dumb spark in EZ Link got the idea that "Hey! Every fool in Singapore using the MRT is gonna use our cards at least twice a day! We're gonna be rich if we charge these suckers every time we use the cards!" He sold the idea to the CEO, the CEO loved it, and they plugged it to LTA.
Now what that dumb spark didn't realise, is that people buy more than one cards. How he didn't realise this, I don't know, because all he had to do was look back at, oh, maybe 10 years of SMRT consumer usage patterns? Gee, was that too little data for him to go on? What most people do is buy a card to use, then buy one as a spare, another one in case the spare gets lost, and why the heck not, one for Grandpa if he decides to go out. Most Singaporeans don't buy just one card to use, they buy spares. It's called kiasu-ism. [Hey, dumb spark in EZ Link, heard of that word?]
So now that they've realised what a dumb mistake they've made, they're trying to cover as much of their ass as possible by shifting the extra costs onto the consumer. "Like hey! I need to eat! I can't go one day with earning at least a billion bucks from all them hapless dumb-as....I mean informed consumers!" What this extra cost means is that we're being punished cos one guy in the Marketing Dept. at EZ Link didn't do his homework properly. [Should've taken some hints from us. hahaha!]
So what can you do about it? Revenge is a very, very easy course for us. What every one should do is buy as many as the damn cards as possible. Yes, go forth and purchase. For the sake of free-market principles, everyone in Singapore should go forth and buy an extra EZ link card for yourself, one for your mother, one for your father, your brother, your sister, your uncles, your aunties, your grandparents, your maid, your dog, and the girl/guy across the street whom you've always tot was cute but never had the guts to approach. It doesn't cost very much, just $15 and all you have to do, is buy some stickers, [Comic Connections sells stickers for the EZ link cards with popular manga characters on them], decorate them really nicely, and give 'em away as xmas presents!
You can do your part, to bring down this monopoly power with a really bad Marketing Dept. If you collect too many EZ link cards from people with a power, you can make a collection for the excess EZ Link cards, collect 'em all in a box, and write on the box: "This is What We Think of Your Non-Refundable Deposit!" Then dump the boxes in front of the EZ office, together with the rest of the boxes that other disgruntled people are gonna send. We can let 'em know what we think and we can bring down the company at the same time, paving the way for people who actually know how to conduct business!
[BTW did I ever mention to you guys that I really admire Michael Moore and the stuff he does? Heh.... ]
Once again, I'm kicking my heels in the Com Lab waiting for Candle next to me to finish her work, so here I go...
I've decided to talk about something more [intellectual] today than my usual crap. Today I'm griping about the EZ Link card.
Yes, dearies, the humble little tap-as-you-go EZ Link card. Yesterday's news announced that they were gonna raise the non-refundable deposit on the card from 5 to 7 bucks. Why would this affect you, you might think, since the price of the card remains the same?
Well, the main effect is that then, you paid $15 for a card with a stored value of $10, refund deposit of $5, and a non-refundable deposit of $5. Now, you pay $15 for a card, with a $7 stored value, and the non-refund deposit of $7. [the figures might be a little wrong, but essentially, the non-refundable deposit increases and the stored value decreases]
How did this happen? The supplier of the EZ cards is a monopoly in Singapore. [Yes, bizad darlings, we all know what happens when someone gets a monopoly] Their method of earning revenue is when people use the cards, but not when people buy the cards. Essentially, some dumb spark in EZ Link got the idea that "Hey! Every fool in Singapore using the MRT is gonna use our cards at least twice a day! We're gonna be rich if we charge these suckers every time we use the cards!" He sold the idea to the CEO, the CEO loved it, and they plugged it to LTA.
Now what that dumb spark didn't realise, is that people buy more than one cards. How he didn't realise this, I don't know, because all he had to do was look back at, oh, maybe 10 years of SMRT consumer usage patterns? Gee, was that too little data for him to go on? What most people do is buy a card to use, then buy one as a spare, another one in case the spare gets lost, and why the heck not, one for Grandpa if he decides to go out. Most Singaporeans don't buy just one card to use, they buy spares. It's called kiasu-ism. [Hey, dumb spark in EZ Link, heard of that word?]
So now that they've realised what a dumb mistake they've made, they're trying to cover as much of their ass as possible by shifting the extra costs onto the consumer. "Like hey! I need to eat! I can't go one day with earning at least a billion bucks from all them hapless dumb-as....I mean informed consumers!" What this extra cost means is that we're being punished cos one guy in the Marketing Dept. at EZ Link didn't do his homework properly. [Should've taken some hints from us. hahaha!]
So what can you do about it? Revenge is a very, very easy course for us. What every one should do is buy as many as the damn cards as possible. Yes, go forth and purchase. For the sake of free-market principles, everyone in Singapore should go forth and buy an extra EZ link card for yourself, one for your mother, one for your father, your brother, your sister, your uncles, your aunties, your grandparents, your maid, your dog, and the girl/guy across the street whom you've always tot was cute but never had the guts to approach. It doesn't cost very much, just $15 and all you have to do, is buy some stickers, [Comic Connections sells stickers for the EZ link cards with popular manga characters on them], decorate them really nicely, and give 'em away as xmas presents!
You can do your part, to bring down this monopoly power with a really bad Marketing Dept. If you collect too many EZ link cards from people with a power, you can make a collection for the excess EZ Link cards, collect 'em all in a box, and write on the box: "This is What We Think of Your Non-Refundable Deposit!" Then dump the boxes in front of the EZ office, together with the rest of the boxes that other disgruntled people are gonna send. We can let 'em know what we think and we can bring down the company at the same time, paving the way for people who actually know how to conduct business!
[BTW did I ever mention to you guys that I really admire Michael Moore and the stuff he does? Heh.... ]
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Another One! [I'm starting to think I should really put all the quizzes onto a separate blog instead...this is taking up way too much space]
The kind of idiot that everyone keeps around for
pure amusement for themselves. They know your
dumb ass will never catch on. P.S. There is no
Santa Clause.
what kind of idiot are you
brought to you by Quizilla
The kind of idiot that everyone keeps around for
pure amusement for themselves. They know your
dumb ass will never catch on. P.S. There is no
Santa Clause.
what kind of idiot are you
brought to you by Quizilla
More Personality Tests!
From the Matrix, I am the One....

You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
compassion. [I also display a dead expression on my face, lots of black in my wardrobe and one heck of a pair of killer shades!]
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
And if I ever commit a crime, I'd go to jail for.....

Please rate if you liked!
If you're a goth please visit
groups.msn.com/gothicteensoftheworld and join
up cause it rules!
What Would You Go to Jail For? (Many outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla
This I like, Cos it's def. something I can see myself doing........ mwahahahaha.........
And I have a...
Congratulations! You have an understanding of the
goth culture!
A True Goth Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
And concerning my mental health... er.....
Umm, you might consider suicide maybe a total of
about 10 times in your life. You think that
sometimes life can become too stressful and you
just wanna leave it all behind and die. But
don't worry. It will pass in time. I hope you
liked the quiz! Please Rate!!! `-)
Are you going to commit suicide? (PLEASE RATE) `-)
brought to you by Quizilla
Well, at least it said it will pass in time.... ;p
Another monkey, free as can be,
Happily swinging from tree to tree....

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Would have liked Gambit, but oh well.....

You are Beast!
You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can
handle almost any problem swiftly and
efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and
are always up for a good discussion.
Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of
you and you upset those whom you care about.
Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
From the Matrix, I am the One....

You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
compassion. [I also display a dead expression on my face, lots of black in my wardrobe and one heck of a pair of killer shades!]
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
And if I ever commit a crime, I'd go to jail for.....
Please rate if you liked!
If you're a goth please visit
groups.msn.com/gothicteensoftheworld and join
up cause it rules!
What Would You Go to Jail For? (Many outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla
This I like, Cos it's def. something I can see myself doing........ mwahahahaha.........
And I have a...
Congratulations! You have an understanding of the
goth culture!
A True Goth Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
And concerning my mental health... er.....
Umm, you might consider suicide maybe a total of
about 10 times in your life. You think that
sometimes life can become too stressful and you
just wanna leave it all behind and die. But
don't worry. It will pass in time. I hope you
liked the quiz! Please Rate!!! `-)
Are you going to commit suicide? (PLEASE RATE) `-)
brought to you by Quizilla
Well, at least it said it will pass in time.... ;p
Another monkey, free as can be,
Happily swinging from tree to tree....

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Would have liked Gambit, but oh well.....

You are Beast!
You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can
handle almost any problem swiftly and
efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and
are always up for a good discussion.
Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of
you and you upset those whom you care about.
Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, November 03, 2003
The Strangest-Testimonial-Award goes to DL, for his claim that I love beef noodles with lots of cow blood...... :P~ Fren, if you're reading this, the next bowl of beef noodles with cow blood goes onto your shirt.....
Thankfully for me now, a lot of pressure is finally starting to slack off. I'm down to:
3 presentations
1 individual report
1 group report
1 take-home exam
and 2 final open-book ( YAY! ) exams
There's a whole lot more time for me to sleep/eat/read and especially read all the books that have been sitting in my cupboard for ever since last semester. I'm also getting the travel bug, esp. after talking to Mr Lu that nite, thanks a lot man..... looking forward to Thailand, or maybe even HK or TW. The main thing is, all that shitload of school stuff is almost over. Time to really slack..... :) :) :)
Thankfully for me now, a lot of pressure is finally starting to slack off. I'm down to:
3 presentations
1 individual report
1 group report
1 take-home exam
and 2 final open-book ( YAY! ) exams
There's a whole lot more time for me to sleep/eat/read and especially read all the books that have been sitting in my cupboard for ever since last semester. I'm also getting the travel bug, esp. after talking to Mr Lu that nite, thanks a lot man..... looking forward to Thailand, or maybe even HK or TW. The main thing is, all that shitload of school stuff is almost over. Time to really slack..... :) :) :)
Sunday, November 02, 2003
Hey guys, whole buncha personality tests below....... You can scroll them to check them out..............
Kill Bill.......... and hurry up with it
A few words to describe this movie: Blood, gore, sword, fountains........ hahaha.......
Well admittedly to me it wasn't the big bore Quet made it out to be ( n i paid weekend price for it, so thank god for that ) but er, it wasn't exactly like, mainstream fare either.......
Ok, you all know the plot from the newspapers, but what they don't really prepare you for is the amount of plasma and blood that was just spraying and spilling from everybody in the film that Uma Thurman hacked. Example: When she sliced the head off an assassin, the blood just started spurting out from the neck like some macabre fountain hose of death gone wrong, and everyone in the theatre started laughing, cos it was just so "huh? How did that happen?". Ok, i learned this from a comic of mine, but apparently that's what happens when you slice people's heads off that way, cos of the enormous pressure it takes to pump blood up and down the neck. Yes, they don't just rely on gravity.
And this fountain of blood thing just happened everytime Uma hacked someone's limb/hand/leg/head off, like this guy, she hacked off his arm, and he went spinning and screaming, spraying everybody in the room with his blood. Eww.... really, the main question going through my mind was "Does blood really behave that way??". [No, it's not "Gods where's the toilet......"]
The soundtrack was also pretty interesting. Quentin Tarantino used this music that at times, sounded like a country western, an old gongfu flick, and in one scene, a jpop girl band. [what a range....] At times, the use of music made the whole thing just look really, really corny. Like when Uma and the assassins faced off each other, there'll be this cowboy western music playin and you're wondering whether john wayne will suddenly make an appearance. [Thus disputing all well-known fact that he's dead....]
Overall though, I tink like the papers said, you gotta be some film buff to really appreciate all the references Tarantino used in this film. For example, the mask that Lucy Liu's assassins wore? Duplicates of the mask worn by Bruce Lee when he did his acting stint in the Green HOrnet. Then there's the amazing japanese anime scene in the middle. Problem is you gotta be a real connoiseur of film n especially asian action film to know all of it, and I think there's where Tarantino fouled up. Most of his references are just not caught by the average man off the street looking for somewhere to bring a girl for a date. [Disclaimer: Khelath does not recommend that any man seeking to woo the affections of a woman actually bring her to watch this film. Especially if he's dating a faint-hearted girl]
One thing I really liked in the show? The steely sound that's made by the sword every time it's brought out. That sword was just singing the most amazing music every time it appeared............ :)
Kill Bill.......... and hurry up with it
A few words to describe this movie: Blood, gore, sword, fountains........ hahaha.......
Well admittedly to me it wasn't the big bore Quet made it out to be ( n i paid weekend price for it, so thank god for that ) but er, it wasn't exactly like, mainstream fare either.......
Ok, you all know the plot from the newspapers, but what they don't really prepare you for is the amount of plasma and blood that was just spraying and spilling from everybody in the film that Uma Thurman hacked. Example: When she sliced the head off an assassin, the blood just started spurting out from the neck like some macabre fountain hose of death gone wrong, and everyone in the theatre started laughing, cos it was just so "huh? How did that happen?". Ok, i learned this from a comic of mine, but apparently that's what happens when you slice people's heads off that way, cos of the enormous pressure it takes to pump blood up and down the neck. Yes, they don't just rely on gravity.
And this fountain of blood thing just happened everytime Uma hacked someone's limb/hand/leg/head off, like this guy, she hacked off his arm, and he went spinning and screaming, spraying everybody in the room with his blood. Eww.... really, the main question going through my mind was "Does blood really behave that way??". [No, it's not "Gods where's the toilet......"]
The soundtrack was also pretty interesting. Quentin Tarantino used this music that at times, sounded like a country western, an old gongfu flick, and in one scene, a jpop girl band. [what a range....] At times, the use of music made the whole thing just look really, really corny. Like when Uma and the assassins faced off each other, there'll be this cowboy western music playin and you're wondering whether john wayne will suddenly make an appearance. [Thus disputing all well-known fact that he's dead....]
Overall though, I tink like the papers said, you gotta be some film buff to really appreciate all the references Tarantino used in this film. For example, the mask that Lucy Liu's assassins wore? Duplicates of the mask worn by Bruce Lee when he did his acting stint in the Green HOrnet. Then there's the amazing japanese anime scene in the middle. Problem is you gotta be a real connoiseur of film n especially asian action film to know all of it, and I think there's where Tarantino fouled up. Most of his references are just not caught by the average man off the street looking for somewhere to bring a girl for a date. [Disclaimer: Khelath does not recommend that any man seeking to woo the affections of a woman actually bring her to watch this film. Especially if he's dating a faint-hearted girl]
One thing I really liked in the show? The steely sound that's made by the sword every time it's brought out. That sword was just singing the most amazing music every time it appeared............ :)
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