Cow, it's been a while since I updated.... So what's going on with my life since, well, last Monday?
Well, I've been a bad, bad sinner. Especially when I look back at all the food and stuff I consumed over the weekend. ^_^!!! Let's see how badly I need penance:
Am happily skipping lecture with Yenn right now, while blogging and do all sorts of non-work related stuff on the Internet. All this while I have 3 deadlines hanging ominously over my head.
I think I'm just the sort of person that can only work well when it comes to a do-or-be-seriously-fucked situation.
This being just over the weekend, there's just way more stuff to say about this, though I have memories of a lot of cake and ice cream.
Thurs = Lindy nite. We've just finished Lindy 2 [yay!] but we weren't sure enough of our skills to go for the Lindy 3 course yet, so Jules and I decided to just head for the Swing Flings and polish our steps on the dance floor.
Of which we realised that we have a long way to go. As in from here to Harlem.
i trounced like an elephant, forgot moves, lost beats and even cramped a foot ^_^!!! Jules trounced around too, and had the tendency to stick the same dance routine.
This meant that after a while, you realise that he would do the
same steps over and over and over and over...etc again while you are dancing with him. After one night, I think I could've led the dance for him even.
To Jules:
NO MORE CHARLESTONS!!!SIN FACTOR = 0 [the Kenny Rogers dinner we had being offset by the exercise on the dancefloor]
Fri nite = Drinking session at Paulaner's to celebrate mine and Quet's turning a quart of a century old. Well done on living so long. Now let's try living for the next 3 quarts. That was followed by cake with Quet and Jules at the old Lips at Cineleisure. [incidentally, they have good, rich chocolate truffle]
Sat nite = I *finally* go for Jap after a 2 week hiatus. I also meet Candle at the Pasta Cafe at Taka for dinner, followed by a Tiramisu al cafe at Coffee club with her and Turt and Jules.
After that, they watched Brokeback but I was too tired, so I didn't follow them. Instead I went to Borders to use my recently-acquired giftcard.
And btw, thanks to the FWFCers for *getting* me Freakonomics and Artemis Fowl for my birthday. "How did you ever guess?" And also make the DF wonder what to get me as a present, now that the obvious solution has been done.
Which brings us to:
Sunday = Wow. This was one of the most eventful days I spent with him yet. We went down to the Botanical Gardens first to look at flowers [yea, what else?] and about a dozen varieties of orchids. [the weirdest being the one dedicated to Arroyo which had twisted petals and looked like a bunch of dried chilli]
Then it was to Marina Sq where he bought the weirdest,
qian-pian looking cushion I had ever seen.
Dinner was at Spageddies, but it was really dessert that killed me.
The Tea Room is next to Max Brenner at the Esplanade and is one of the most expensive dessert places I have ever been to, where the price of cake can go up to $20odd.
It's also the most BLARDY SINFUL, TONGUE-TINGLING, FOOD-ORGASMIC place I've ever been to.
The one piece of Paradise/Hell I had, the Mixed Berry Cake Melt came oozing with rich sticky berry goodness and even had a shot of Tequila Rose as well. [Tequila rose tastes somewhat like a strong, strawberry-flavoured Bailey's and is TOTALLY yum.] The first bite I had, with the mixed berry crushing its juice into my throat and the rich texture of the melted cake, made my tastebuds scream with absolute delight.
I swear I nearly had a climax there and there. Major food orgasm.
They're really famous for their Bailey's cake melt though, but apparently it's become so popular since I ate it almost 6 months ago, that you now have to call to make a reservation for the cake! I swear, it's that good.
And the Shepherd's Pie he ate was like nothing ever. It was like, a SOLID POTATO CAKE swimming in a kiddy pool of creamy mushroom sauce, lightly seasoned to taste oh-so-good.
I have to admit, there are advantages to having a boyfriend that is a diehard food addict.
Now let me atone for my sin...... by going vegetarian for the rest of my life.