I'm now a quarter. One-fourth. Whoop de doo.
Only about 3 more to go... :p
I did take a bunch of pix of the loot, oops, presents, but for some reason, the connection from my phone to my laptop isn't working. -_-! It's like when a new cat moves into another cat's territory. Bound to be some compatibility problems. Or so I think. Anywayz, many thanks to all who contributed to my loot, n for all the SMSes I rec'd. You guys actually remembered. *sniff*.
Well, the weekend went fine for me, certainly compensated for my working days starting on The Day itself anyway -_-!!!!!
Fri nite Candle, Yenn and I, and very briefly Jules, had a college frat-like party, and had pizza and booze at my house, while we watched a very weird Thai movie, in which some Aussie Ah Kwa Gangsta Boss ordered some guys all the way to Thailand to steal an elephant, which infuriated the elephant keeper, and spurred him into going all the way to Australia to get his pachyderm back.
I can't believe that I actually wrote the movie into sounding lamer than it already was.
Anyway, after that was a seafood dinner at Punggol Marina with the family, which had funnily assumed that DF would be there, without me saying anything. Huh?
Funny thing though, I ended up saving an angmoh woman from getting stuck in the toilet.
Sun I met him and proceeded to get back for the sms on Vday:
"So what did you do on Vday?"
"I went out on a date."
"Oh..." unconcerned, slightly amused.
"We went out to the beach for dinner, and dessert, and sat by the beach talking."
"And he even bought me a rose! There were these rose sellers, and at first he said no. Then I went to the toilet, and when I came back, ta-dah! He had bought me a rose! What a sweet surprise!"
"Oh............... so who's this guy?"
"Who do you think?"
"I can only think of J or G?" [his exact words]
"G? G will meh?" scoff scoff.
"Ah ba then?"
"Oh............................................." stony tone. Daggers. Death in eyes.
"And he even sent me home in his car after that! Not like
someone who was in camp, and didn't want to come ou to see his gf on valentine's, and who just sent
one idiot sms and who wanted to give me
one blardy borders discount coupon somemore."
"Uh huh...................." cautious guilt and some amusement.
And so on. :p Well, yea, eventually I did tell him what really went down on Vday's, and only after that did he decide to spare Jules' life.
And I dropped so many dripping comments about Vday's, that he made up for it by going for a gay cowboy movie with me, [which he thought was totally slow, and which he almost fell asleep halfway, and thought was unnatural.] and then brought me to the Straits Kitchen buffet at the Hyatt, [which sold grossly overpriced hawker food, in my opinion] and gave me a box of [grossly overpriced] chocolates from Godiva.
But as I told him, it's the sincerity behind that I'm looking for. And yes, he had that so I was happy. :)
Though it might have been nice to get a rose...........