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Friday, November 07, 2003

I saw dead people..... in my presentation!
Once again, this Y.O.O.H. girl is in the com. lab, writing on her blog. ( If you donno what those 4 nos mean, see entry below) but actually, this time I'm not slacking. I'm supposed to be working on a 24 hour final exam but my brain is so stoned and I'm hoping to pump it awake again. ( if you're wondering about the 24 hour exam, it's when the tutor gives out the case study at the end of the lesson, say at 6pm in my case, and we're supposed to bring it home, analyze it and email it back to him by 6pm the next day )

So let me tell u about my OE presentation today. ( Once again, for an explanation of the modules I did this semester in NUSSUX, go to archives and check out the very first entry or so )

Our group analyzed the Columbia incident in NASA ( foam tank fell off, hit left wing of space shuttle, re-entry into earth turned it into flaming ball of fire ) and the organizational factors that led to the incident. ( My groupmates are now convinced that the NASA management are just a bunch of dumb monkeys ) So as a conclusion, we included a photo of the 7 astronauts who died in the crash, posing in the shuttle before takeoff.

There were 7 astronauts right? Well, just as the slide came on, someone pointed out an extra guy standing behind the 7 astronauts, making it 8 people in the photo.

So fine, we said it could've one of the technicians who knew the astronauts.

Then someone else said, " But you can't see his feet!"

And another one said," And he looks as if he has blood coming from his eyes!"


No conspiracy theories. As a practitioner of the Art of Photoshop, I can safely tell you that wherever we took the photo from, someone had digitally cut and paste his face among the astronauts. Not doing a very good job of it, I might add. But it did serve to send some excitement to the class at that point of time, especially as how it was a photo of the 7 of them ( before they died ) on the shuttle ( that killed them later ). The lecturer just had his jaw open during this exchange and everyone was like "What the heck.....?" Hee.... so funny......

Incidentally, my groupmate will be deleting that slide from her desktop the moment she returns to her room.....

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