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Wednesday, June 09, 2004

A major European Headache

Too many people are finding out the truth behind the handsome blonde in the last post. Damn. Apparently my writing was too obvious.

Oh well, if you still donno the truth or just dunno what I'm talking about, go to the last post, and Choose Every Word.

Darn. Trying to do research on places to visit in Europe, and finding out exactly why is it I hate doing research. *pulls hair out*

Read book. Much info. Have to photostat. Too much info. What to photostat?

Search Net. Wrong language. Found info. Found that info is lacking. Print. Read. Again.

Info. Info. TOO MUCH INFO!!!!! How to choose which place to visit?? How to know who'd like to go where? Where do I find cheap, good food? ARGH!

Tempted to take thick Lonely Planet book and throw at nearby target. Any target.

Also the crime part is scary. You grow up in safe, secure Singapore and you read about how luggage is stolen, bags are slashed, drugs are smuggled and people are held up in other countries? Makes you [or rather me] wanna run to your bed and hide beneath the covers. I swear, if anything happens to me on this trip, I will never ever criticise Singapore for being a protective nanny state ever.

Other than that, most of the stuff have already been bought, and am now in the midst of winding up my affairs here in Singapore. Which basically means that I'm informing Dr Fox Mulder I'm leaving, my tuition kids that I'm leaving, assigning a pile of homework for when I'm gone, and giving Candle instructions for my convocation.

My little box is now full of the stuff that I need, and hence bought, for the trip, and what's left is basically the clothes, toiletries, and barang. Then I have to clean out the room, hoping to get away with just throwing everything on the floor into the cupboard, and sweeping a bit. After that I have to actually fit everything into the backpack.

Then drive up the guts to make sure I go.

Just kidding. Hee. Of course I'd go. I'm just getting a whole bunch of butterflies, horseflies, houseflies and other-flies in my stomach. [no, no dragonflies.] First time away from Singapore, with friends, and for so long. Before, if anything happened, I could always count on Daddy nearby, and now, I have to count on myself and me friends. I'm paying my own way, I'm staying and bathing with unfamiliar people in unfamiliar places.

Gods, I almost feel sick. I need my blankie.

Anyway, for more practical info:

=I'm leaving on Sunday, 13th June, 11pm at Terminal One, which means that handphone will be off from Sunday night onwards. Anyone who wants to contact me one last time has to call/SMS before then.

=From the 22-25 June I'd be staying in Turtle's room in Stockholm, so I'll try to put something up on the blog during that period of time. Stay tuned. But don't worry if you don't see something new. It doesn't mean I've been kidnapped/raped/poisoned/injured and in danger of death.

Just 4 more days......

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