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Friday, March 25, 2005

Rape, gays and AIDS

Now if that title didn't get your attention......... :p

On the way home today, Yenn coined an interesting term: Rape of the Lungs.

Basically, Rape of the Lungs ( ROTL ) occurs when a smoker is smoking in close promixity to a nonsmoker, such that the smoke from his cigarette can enter the lungs of the nonsmoker against her consent, thus, ROTL. [Do not confuse with Rolling On The Floor Laughing]

While we were walking towards our bus stop, she suddenly pushed me to one side, and when I asked what happened, she said, "My lungs were being raped."

So after she explained, the following idea came to mind:

Man is Beaten Up For Rape Of Lungs

Imagine this man. He's a 20something year old man, just graduated out of uni, got his paycheck just last week, and now out on a date with the hot chick from the Marketing Department. He's now walking her to her bus stop, and while they are walking, he asks if she minds if he smokes. Well, it turns out that she's used to her clients puffing away, [don't forget she's from marketing] and it's all right with her.

Therefore he lights a cigarette, inhales deeply, and blows a ream of smoke into the air, glad at last to have some nicotine relief after spending 2 hours in the cinema cigarette-free.

Suddenly, the girl who was walking next to him screams, "AAAAHHH!!!! NOOO!!! DON'T.... DON'T RAPE ME!!!!!" while choking and coughing and putting one hand to her heaving bosom. As he stares blankly at her antics, [like, what the hell? I didn't touch you, I didn't even know you were there, and I'm just smoking here lor.] to his horror, she starts sobbing.

And she's not just sobbing quietly. She's sobbing HUGE, wracking sobs of pure despair, worthy of any HK drama mama. A little concerned for his safety, [and her sanity] he asks her if anything's wrong, and maybe there's been a little misunderstanding?

"OHMYGODDON'TCOMENEARME!!!!!" she screeches, covering her chest with her arms, and covering her mouth with one hand. He backs away in alarm, [more for his own personal safety from this weird chick] and then he notices her friend.

Her friend with bigger biceps than his.

"YOU RAPED MY FRIEND, YOU, YOU... DIRTY RAPIST SMOKER YOU!!!" Whoa. Now he's in major trouble. He tries to explain that he had never touched her friend, he had never even noticed she was there, and that he was a good boy who believed in female rights and respect for the female body.

"DON'T TRY TO LIE!!!!" Ok, he knew she wouldn't believe him on the female body one. "I CAN SEE THAT DIRTY CIGARETTE OF YOURS IN YOUR HAND!!!!" Cigarette? What? Wasn't the misunderstanding [of course it's a misunderstanding, what else can it be?] over a possible molest?

"YOU'RE RAPING HER ALL RIGHT!! WITH THAT DAMNED CIGARETTE IN YOUR HAND!! YOU'RE RAPING HER LUNGS!!!" Her friend yells menancingly at him, pointing one hand to the cigarette he's holding between 2 fingers.

He gapes at the 2 in total disbelief. [are they really both mad?] And then he starts to get a bit angry. He doesn't know what game those 2 were playing at, and when they were both dismissed from Woodbridge, but he is so going to give them a piece of his mind when he suddenly notices a huge fist coming straight at him. And then everything goes blank.

Well, only for that while, and he clears up to find that he's now lying on his back, with an unnatural-seeming amount of blood on his clean white shirt, that seemed to have come from his nose. As soon as he registers that, however, the violent friend is back to kicking him in mostly sensitive areas while he's lying on the ground.

So the whole of Orchard thinks he's molested the girl, the girl is now inconsolably crying away, muttering something about her "poor, poor lungs", [her lungs?] and he's getting his ass [and other parts] kicked big time by another girl. [he would fight back, if not for that she's a girl, and also because scarily enough, she is definitely way stronger than he is]

Oh, and his date took a cab home.

Heh... I get strange ideas sometimes... :p Rape of the Lungs.

All the recent furore over HIV and gay lifestyles has been, to me, maddening, saddening, and even a little funny at times.

Once again, gays and lesbians have been condemned for their immoral, unnatural lifestyle and for corrupting our clean, upright society. And now, to pour salt, they've even added HIV into the mainstream. Shame, shame on them all.

We must control them. Slap huge ID badges on them, like the Germans used to do to the Jews. Make sure they have no way of working or supporting themselves in our country, so that they will flee to other shores and stay far, far away from us.

People. What is this? Such mobbish reactions only show how poorly informed and closeminded you are about HIV and gays in general. Not to mention how highly some straight people think of themselves.

It's almost a shame to have to live in this country, and see all this going on. Especially when you consider that some of the measures considered are pretty 1984-ish:

It may become a criminal offence to spread HIV through unprotected sex. Even though you don't know that you have the disease. [and yet, promotion of condom usage is not encouraged in Singapore. Boy are they headed for a hot zone with this combination...]

All pregnant women should be screened to check if their babies have been infected with HIV. So if you do find out that this pregnant mother is HIV positive and so is her mother, what now? According to the above, the first step is to break up the family by putting the father in jail for having unprotected sex while HIV-positive. Then the next step is what? To isolate the mother from the rest of society, and to deny the child any contact with human society for the rest of its life? Or tell the child that he is sick and that's why he can never play with other children?

This measure is lacking in long-term vision. What would the government do if they found out that pregnant mothers were HIV positive? Are they prepared to pay for the cocktails for HIV? Or would they find it easier to just isolate mother and child from society? Since, after all, no one will be cooing over the baby if they find out that it's HIV positive. Note all the response the family of Ariq got after they decided to keep their HIV positive baby.

Then Balaji throws the spotlight on the gay population, claiming that gay parties and promiscuous gays were responsible for the spike in HIV. Never mind that his evidence is anecdotally based on the views of one epidemiologist in Singapore. Never mind the god-knows-how-many promiscuous and sexually active unmarried straight people in Singapore. Never mind the straight men who have unprotected sex in Geylang, Batam, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, China, and maybe even India, and then go back and go back home to screw their unsuspecting wives. Never mind that out of all the identified HIV sufferers in Singapore, only a third of them are gay.

No, forget all those insignificant factors. It's that damn gay party that's to blame. Ban the gays, everyone.

I don't even know what to say. This is just really, really sad.

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