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Monday, November 03, 2008

I'm really praying I do get reimbursed for this:

Meet Sonny, the latest addition to a growing line of electronic products in my house. ^_^!!! Even if every photo I have is saved in soft copy in my laptop, it still is somewhat of a nostalgic thrill to hold a real photo in your hands, something that can survive crashes, hangups and can be hung and viewed without a 45sec bootup.

And printing out the above picture taken in Greece makes me not regret paying good money for Kenny and Sonny both. ^-^ Lookit that colour and detail!

So my day playing hooky, ahem, on MC turned out to be productive than I thought. While stopping a leaky nose, I managed to successfully install and use:

1. One card reader
2. One Nokia PC suite
3. One photo printer driver

Plus printing out 5 sample photos on said printer. Man, if only I had this kind of productivity at work.

Then again, maybe not. :p

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