Congratulations boredslacker, you are...

Finicky Feline of
You may seem sweet on the outside but behind you hide a sharpened claw. You have the observation skills of a forensic detective and can see right through people easily. You attract attention, both good and bad, but more bad than good. You've seen more assholes in life than a proctologist. The bad ones tries to screw you over but quickly learnt that its a bad move because you enjoy screwing them back accordingly.
Sadly enough, I don't even read her blog... :p But I like the sharpened claw part. Speak softly and carry a big stick, is what I like to say... :p
Haha.. FF can be quite funny at times, especially when she is posting her Guys Sucks entries.. Do check it out..
Definitely am about to :D When I can finish reading the other hundreds of blogs on my must-read list... hahaha...
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