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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Wisma at night.

Slayer: The carton isn't superimposed, it looks brighter because I used my camera phone... hence pix quality not quite there. I swear the cat was exactly in that position. :p Will save you a shirt, and give u a discount too... hahaha... what pic did you say you want?

Also, new design:

Goodmeat: Deathnote> Yea, the crime rate did go down, but if you read book2, he's starting to think about hitting on innocents as well. I guess all that power will eventually corrupt, especially when the power allows you to wield death so flippantly.

Cookie count: The caramels are completely gone, due to no fault of mine. I had 2 cookies left, and one day I just opened up the fridge and they were... gone... [Curse my family!] But I have started on the Tia Maria ones... Major food orgasm on the couch!

Random ramble: Something's so wrong with the family PC. One click on the IE icon and 39 windows opened up at once!!! Is this a National Day Virus??

Women will always live longer because...

Shopping keeps your brain young! Yes, dearies, this I got from Reader's Digest:

Women live longer than men because they shop more. That's what husband-and-wife team Guy McKhann and Marilyn Albert, both professors at Johns Hopkins University and authors of Keep Your Brain Young, have theorised after a ten-year study of 3000 elderly people...

Shopping keeps older women physically active ( bags to lug ), challenges the brain ( a trip to the shops involves hundreds of choices ), and boosts self-esteem ( a sense of accomplishment results ).

Meanwhile, Grandpa is on the sofa watching television, an activity that fails to challenge in any of these areas...

All the women in the house now... YOOHOO!!!!!! Forget the gyms, forget the health supplements and slimming pills, and forget the aerobics! WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!

Think about it, shopping for women is like a full-length gym session:

We can shop for at least 20-30 minutes a day, non-stop, 3x a week.

For aerobic exercise, think of all those times spent walking from shop to shop, rack to rack, shopfloor to changing room.

For muscle-building, think of all the shopping bags to lug around from store to store. ( Women who bring boyfriends along on shopping trips don't count )

For a more competitive sport, try fighting with the aunties at major sales.

We exercise mind power too, in the ways we:

Strategize our shopping route. ( Should we hit the sale at Isetan first, or Mango? Which store is likely to have the stuff we want? )

Make quick decisions. ( Screw it all! I'm getting that red top! )

Assess our competition, their strengths and weaknesses. ( This girl looks puny, I think I can easily push her aside to get that shirt in the discount bin )

Budget, and handle our finances. ( Though truth to tell, most women don't always use this to the fullest when shopping...... oooh I love that bag, who cares if I already have a dozen... )

And the most major stance of all: We contribute to the economy. Everytime we shop, the multiplication effect ( read your economics 101 again ) means that that new bag we buy may ensure our man a promotion in the future. How can any man argue with that???

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