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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Weird Eggs, No Ham

Krystal thou hast only one task for thy quest... To bring home safely a bottle of Absolut Vanilla... Do not fret over the gin... I drink too much anyway...

Sad to say, the next major drama event in my life was my breakfast. :p I had this brainwave to make a pirated deli-potato, since my mom had baked potatoes in the fridge, and there were eggs and mayo at home. I started out by plopping the eggs in boiling water and waiting for them to, well, boil.

Now the last time I tried to make soft-boiled eggs, I actually left them too long in the water, so in the end they became hard-boiled eggs, much to my chagrin. This time, however, I left them too short a time a time in the water, so my intended hard-boiled eggs turned out to be perfect soft-boiled eggs. Bleah. Thank goodness I only cracked one at the time, so I just plopped the other one back into the water and turned on the heat to sauna-fy that bugger.

Who knows, suddenly there was a "POOIIIFFF!" from the kettle [i swear, it reallly did make that sound] and the kettle regurgitated some boiling water onto my stove. "Oh shit, oh shit" as I go over to the kettle, and open to see if some dead chick had hatched from my egg or something. [hey, you never know one day] My egg seemed to be fine, though, but there were pieces of cooked egg swirling around the water, so I quickly took it out, cracked it, and well... it was some strange hybrid between a hard and a soft boiled egg. My poor mutant scrambled egg. I should have never brought you into this world.

When you're hungry, you don't care anyway. So I had a plate of soft boiled, with soy sauce and pepper, bread, 2 baked potatoes and egg mayo for breakfast. What do I do? I heck care with the whole thing, throw everything into one plate, mix it all up and eat it as it is. My potato-egg-salad with soy sauce and pepper. Jamie Oliver eat your heart out, or rather puke your lungs out.

As some of you know, I have one of the strangest eating habits in the world.

Ok, before you guys all puke your lungs out... here's some pix...

Sunset walking home from mrt.

I really like this one, it's a gecko that was hanging on these grilles they've put up along the MRT tracks. This little bugger managed to climb way up high.

And finally,
Nocturne was done long time ago, when I was alone on a Sat night and wondering around town. Hope you guys like the pix. The one of Wheelock at the end is my fave.

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