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Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Beli beli good, Krystal shalt get me a bottle of Absolut Vanilla and Quet shalt hand over custody of a bottle of gin to me. I shalt be a beli, beli, happy drunk.

Me no nothing to blog now, side from recent bout of fever/flu/god-only-knows-wat-germ-hit-me and cramps on Sunday, resulting in cancellation of one tuition class. Thankfully me managed to survive, after much, much sleep and cups of hot tea. Me not sorry to cancel tuition class because that one Mother scares me. That Mother damn damn hostile on phone. Talk like going to scold me for something, anything. Don't like talking to that Mother. Strangely Daughter don't really need tuition. Has 60, 70 marks for past exams. Typical kiasu mum. Easy money if not that Mother seem so grumpy round me.

In end me change to today. Now me have 4 students to gao ding in one day. Me would stand in middle of Bishan junction and wait for car to impose sudden death, if not for fact that me want to fly to Europe soon. Thought of holiday keeping me alive and earning money.

Me no feel like blogging much now. Me will wait for next momentous occassion to happen in me's life before me write it down. Hopefully, this would happen before me is 90 and dying. Me life not beli exciting right now. Me will see you guys later.

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