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Friday, April 16, 2004

Gays, Gyms, Googles, Gifs, and bloG

I know, I know, I broke the alliteration... and capitalizing the last letter doesn't count, I know...

Gays, Gyms
Concerning the last entry about Sex in the Gym:

From Gay Researcher's Blog:
It is true that gays often make out in the gyms, be it in NUS or Orchard Road or any other gyms with gays.

I believe the Orchard Road gym that was mentioned on radio refers to the California Fitness Centre at Orchard Building. [Khel: Yup, I knew that too. Way too obvious] From what I gather from my sources, the Starbucks and gym at Orchard Building are swamped with gays. Of course, there are unknowing guys who work out there.

Gay sex is everywhere. Not only in gyms, but toilets (Westin) [Westin toilet?? Really??] , gay saunas, etc. Promiscuity and sex seem to be on the top of gay traits. Of course, there are some who are celibate (as in they are gay but do not have sex), and some who practise monogamy.

Anyway, while I was doing research for a project, I came across an article that presented empirical evidence showing that both heterosexuals and homosexuals select mates in similar manners, i.e. physical appearance is important, must be similar in race and religion, and some other criteria. [Send me a copy of the results when you're done]

Recently, a topic surfaced on the gay forum: Is Mel Gibson's Passion homophobic? The gays who watched the film argue that Gibson intentionally portrayed Satan and the executioners as drag queens, with heavy eye make-up, etc. This perhaps stemmed from the fact that Gibson previously made homophobic comments. [Uhm, I tot Satan was a woman. Oh oh... and the executioners? They were Romans weren't they? That explains the skirt-like attire]

This one's from Krystal's blog:

Who is Kheldar?

And unfortunately, Khelath and Boredslacker aren't famous enough to be known by Google yet. Shame.

If you wanna try to see who you are, click this super long link.

To Krystal: Try Photobucket, which has obviously worked for me so far. Go there, create an album, and then upload onto their server.

The following is in response to the Slayer's comment:
To Blog, or not to Blog?

Though something seems worthwhile in the head
To the world, it's better off dead

Bad pun, I know, I know...

I may be the Bored Slacker, but still I'm not always that free. I go online about 3X a week, and I usually only blog if I have something a bit more worthwhile to blog about. Otherwise, everyday would go something like this:

Woke up. Ate prata at AMK. Shorts being sold at market, felt like buying. Came home and read. Then went online. Then played Minesweeper. Went for tuition. Scolded kid. So careless. Went home. Read somemore. Slept.

Do not worry if I don't blog or reply to emails, again same logic about having something worthwhile to write applies here. Do not worry that I am sick/raped/traumatised/dead. For the 1st one, I will heal. For the next 2, you can't help me much there, unless you wanna cast a hex on the person(s) responsible. For the last one...... Erm, nothing much you can do at all except pray?

Anyway, my point being that I'll usually blog if I feel something's worth blogging about, [what that is is subject to many interpretations] or if I get a flash of inspiration from someone [thanks to you, this has happened. :) ] or I have something on the mind that I want to broadcast to the world. Right now life's pretty quiet so there's nothing much to say, I guess. Not really keen on turning this into one of those inane blogs with the same entry day after day.

Woke up. Ate prata at AMK. Shorts being sold at market, felt like buying. Came home and read. Then went online. Then played Minesweeper. Went for tuition. Scolded kid. So careless. Went home. Read somemore. Slept.

It's such a turn-off to read something like that, where you know the author doesn't have anything better to say, but just vomits out the same words day after day for the sake of blogging, rather than anything else.

Woke up. Ate prata at AMK. Shorts being sold at market, felt like buying. Came home and read. Then went online. Then played Minesweeper. Went for tuition. Scolded kid. So careless. Went home. Read somemore. Slept.

And sometimes they try to gloss it over by changing the entries a bit, so it looks different, though the essence of it remains unchanged.

Wow! I woke up on time today! Then I went to eat prata at AMK, 2 kosong with teh ping. I saw some colourful shorts being sold at the market, felt like buying but still broke. Came home and read some of that book I'd been meaning to finish. Then went online, put a new entry on my blog. Then played Minesweeper, haven't managed to break my high score yet, sigh. After that I had to go for tuition. My kid was careless today so I scolded him. So careless. Then finally I got to go home, read a bit more and sleep

Emotions can be added in without much difficulty as well:

I woke up pissed today. Went for prata at AMK and the stupid *** gave me the soft ones. Cheapo shorts being sold at market, but what's the point? I'll just end up broke anyway. Came home and read this stupid book that was a total waste of my time. Then went online, and found out that I got a whole bunch of spam in my inbox from a bunch of no-good ***. I played some Minesweeper but I kept bombing and got so pissed off. Went for tuition and ended up yelling at the kid for being such a careless ***. Finally got to go home, chucked that stupid book, and slept. Hope tomorrow is better.

You can even be philosophical at times.

How is it I woke up today? Could the purpose of the day be to partake of the crispy prata at AMK? But then, why not at Bishan? What are the underlying psychological implications of me going to AMK for prata? Such a worthy question... Upon sighting apparel for sale at the market, I could feel my materialistic impulses coming to life. Or could it be the passionate red of the shorts called out to me, symbolic of my need to break out of the mould and show my true colours? The question disturbed me, so I came home and pondered over it. To relax my mind, as many of the experts do, I will read and play Minesweeper. Perchance in this state of half-relaxed concentration, the answer will come to me. It is unfortunate that I have to fulfil my educational responsibilities to my students. I hope I will be able to ponder it further tonight when I am done.

To save time, just be minimalistic. Try being poetic.

As I Woke
Ate prata at AMK.
Shorts are sold,
so must buy.
Find the bombs, do not ignite.
Went for tuition.
Scolded careless kid.
Why? Why? Why?
Went home.
Read somemore.
My day.

Try haiku if you want to be shorter:

Woke up, ate prata.
Shorts, book, online, Minesweeper
Careless child, home, sleep

Or just tell people the plain naked truth:

Sian ah today. Same as yesterday lor. See tomorrow how.

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