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Monday, December 06, 2004

Quick summary of my life till now:

1. Too much time on my hands always = Too little time to do anything. It's amazing how you're supposed to be soooo free, but yet you end up rushing from one appointment to another, or doing one thing after another. Weird huh?

2. Freehand MX is driving me nuts. Anchors and vectors are careening all over my screen, and I have no way to make them go EXACTLY the way I want them to. Makes me wanna just throw the whole thing outta my hard drive and stick to my good ol' pencil and marker. Only thing is that I paid a damn lot for that CD so........... :p

3. I made a couple more bucks with my Cafepress store! *ka-ching* All to the grand total of....... $8 ever since I opened them up. *sweat* Probably due to the holiday rush coming up...

But I did open up another one:

which I put my regular illustrations on. We'll see how this store does in 2005.

4. I'm also almost already to launch GTS in 2005. I have about 3 months worth of strips all scanned in, waiting for letters to be put in, and then I can start displaying them on the website. *Yay!* I discovered that I work best in waves of inspiration, so now, whether the thought strikes me, I sit down and frantically sketch out as much as I can, so that I can rest easy for the rest of the time. Beats me how I'm gonna continue this ontop of my tuition though. :p

Incidentally, I'll probably launch the comic in JAN 2005. Sure the art sucks, and the jokes stink, but give it time, yah? ;p

5. All in all, as I said, Too Much Time = Too Little Time. My 2005 resolutions: To show more commitment to any projects I start, and to kick myself in the arse more to push myself to complete those projects. Bleah. The blog may be a little quiet for now, while I continue kicking myself in the arse, so just stay tuned, yah? Regular programming will continue......

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