New Look!
Yupz, I decided to do some renovations... You should all be able to read the blog while the changes are going on, so no worries. Hopefully no more coding screw-ups while I'm at it too.
This past weekend has been... eventful. I started out on Thurs nite ( yes, as early as that ) celebrating Sylveracyd's birthday at her place. At this moment I've just finished designing her pressie, after a lot of headache and printing and stuff. Hope she likes it, if she's reading this. :p
Then Friday night was spent with Quet and Zhuan at Jazz@Southbridge. ( Don't click on the link hor, I don't think that's a working email link ) The music was alright, the drinks were alright. The first one, St Thomas', tasted like peach and lychee juice, making one wonder whether there was any alcohol in it at all. The 2nd, Flaming Lambhorgini, I will NEVER drink again.
After the first drink, I felt properly cheated of my alcoholic binge, so Zhuan and I got a menu for a 2nd drink each. I skimmed through the list, looking for something new to try out, and the name "Flaming Lambhorgini" caught my eye. Sounded interesting, and looked expensive enough to have a higher alcoholic content, so...
Later on, the waiter came by with a martini glass in one hand, and a shot and a lighter in the other.
Bloody hell, I'm getting a bad feeling about why the name is "Flaming"
"Um, this is my first time drinking this, so can you tell me what you're gonna do?"
"Oh, ok. What I'm gonna do is light the drink, pour this in, and you have to drink it up in one shot."
Bloody bloody hell. That goes my hopes of having something to slowly drink the night away.
So he lights it the first time, and throws in the contents of the shot, and the glass is alight with these simmering blue flames dancing on the surface of the drink. Almost poetic, if not for the fact that I had to drink it. Images of my lips catching blue fire raced through my head.
"I'll get you a straw for that." Phew.
He pops in the straw, and I start sucking, but it's still not fast enough. The straw actually starts to melt when I'm halfway through the drink! SOS! Mayday! I pull out the straw before the melted plastic contaminates my drink, and I accidentally drip some drops of the blue flaming liquid onto the table, where they glow for a while.
Suddenly I the words "Nuclear disaster" pop out in my head, along with images of mutated teenage turtles.
Anyway, with the 2nd straw, I sipped up the remainder of the drink, with only 1/3 of the straw melted this time. Another reason why they call it "Flaming": The stupid thing BURNS your throat like no other. It feels like the blue flames from the drink are flaming down your esophagus down to your digestive system. Ergh ergh.......
The waiter got me a glass of water after that, and that was my drink for the rest of the night. Water. Blood hell.
Then Saturday night the Egg Squad made an impromptu visit to Harry's at Boat Quay to watch Goldfish and the Lindy Hoppers dance. Damn those dancers were good. And it helps that the music was TONS better than Southbridge also. Like, this is the way jazz should be! And the dancers exploited the music to the full. Everytime the band started a new set, the whole crowd would descend to the extremely constrained dance floor and dance away, somehow not quite managing to get into each other's way.
( Well, not quite. Goldfish bumped into some dancers I think )
And they had so much fun while doing it, it was infectious. It's tempting to go for lindy classes after seeing other people have so much FUN while doing it! And to dance to your favourite music, what a kick! When I have more cash... :(
Incidentally, omedeto gozaimasu to I-en san, who received a prize for full attendance during Tenrikyo's graduation ceremony. Heh... The ceremony was on Sat afternoon at Crown Prince Hotel, and we all received certs proclaiming us graduated from Level 1. Which means we can basically say "Hi" and "Goodbye" to each other. Hee, just kidding...
The ceremony was long and boring, but the food was worth waiting for. Anyone who wants to hold a function, Crown Prince has damn good Chinese food. Fried rice, dim sum, fried chicken, red bean paste, bee hoon... the 4 of us ( me, Yenn, Krynn and ZX ) ate like crazy, and I don't think any of us had dinner that night. *Burp*
Afterwards Yenn and I went down to the Youth Council to check it out, passing by some bands on the way. I think Sat was kinda a busking festival day or something, cos when I got off the bus at Far East, there was a small crowd there, listening to a band play outside the building. I stand corrected, listening to a band try to play, because they were bad. People like that need people like Simon Cowell to come give them reality checks. What the hell are you doing singing in public like that???
Then outside Cineleisure, while Yenn and I were walking there, another band was trying their pitifully best to do covers of Red Hot Chilli Pepper songs. What they were doing, to my battered ears, seemed to be massacring RHCP songs. ( Did I spell that right? ) God, it pains the heart ( and the ears ) to hear someone kill your favourite songs. I rushed Yenn to the NYC building before we had to listen any more to them.
This band, however, earns praise.

Their name is Rave ( I think ) and their songs are rock, with an airy, light style. The kind of music that makes you wanna stretch your arms to the blue sky, and feel the wind on your face. I like their music, and I'm wondering if they would ever come out with an album, because they're freakin' good. Want another opinion? Yenn thought they were good too, and I noticed that while they were playing, there were more people standing around, listening to them, and tapping their feet to the beat. That's how you tell a band is good. ;)
And that's it for the weekend liao... Hope the week goes good...
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