No English? No Problem!

Sunday, February 15, 2004

This blog entry is hereby dedicated to STINGRAY, a long-time fren of mine, who recently discovered my blog and was mildly chagrined [albeit in an amused way] to find that i have never mentioned her before. So yes, I hereby dedicate this blog entry to Stingray. Long live Stingray. [also known as jubilee14 in other circles] Together with this blur sotong, [what all u ducks out there call me] we make the ultimate seafood dinner.

Hahaha...... I told you I was gonna do something like that on my blog..... :p :p :p bleah bleah bleah.........

Has anyone read Internal Bleeding's Blog abt what we were doing during our Jap classes? Basically every week after Jap class, we ask sensei the Jap equivalent for some word that we commonly use in English, but are not commonly taught during Jap lessons. For eg, shinimasu is the verb for "to die" in Jap and tamatteimasu vaguely means "I'm pressured/stressed". This week, just as we approached him, he burst out laughing and went "sumimasen, sumimasen...." [excuse me, excuse me] I think he was a little relieved that we were just asking a perfectly innocent phrase like "i have no money" [okane ga arimasen].

Anyway, Internal Bleeding, this is dedicated to you:
IB-san wa saru to inu desu, mainichi hatarakimasu, tamatteimasu. Mainichi shinimasu. Taihendesune.........

ontop of that, I bought the guide to Making Out In Japanese. Despite the title, I bought it mainly for the section on Curses and Insults. Mwahahahaha! Now I'll know if any Jap guy/girl calls me a yariman or that kono kuso-ttare or kono kuso-onna and I can reply back saitei-dayo and kitanai!! [no, i won't explain what I just said. Go buy the book.]

So how was everyone's Valentine's Day? [Crass commercialism! Hallmark holiday!] Obviously I had no date, so this Vday I decided to go to church and rediscover God.

Before everyone pukes, I went because there was a concert going on in Stingray's church, so went down to take a look. No, I haven't been "reborn" and no, I didn't get struck by lightning the minute my feet touched hallowed ground. Tough. I'm only at the 4th level of Hell - Prodigal and Avaricious. Not a bad concert, the band wasn't too bad either, but camerawoman of the night was quite amateurish. [mwahahahaha] And no, no guitar smashing, swearing, or jumping around on stage. Only thing is for half the concert, the lead singer talked about his breakup and how God was the only friend at his side through the breakup. [frankly, the way he started off sounded like something I receive from time to time in my email. I was waiting for the girl to either break up/die/contract some incurable disease. Ok fireballs coming my way now]

stingray, don't kill me for the next few lines.

hm, after thinking about it, i feel that such an environment is not exactly suited for spreading God's message lor. For one thing, assuming that most of the people there are pre-adolescent non-Christian kids, they'd most likely be shutting out what the guy on stage says, in order to talk with their frens. In fact, most of them were, as I looked around. If they're mostly Christian kids, then the guy is preaching to the converted. [literally] It's so ironic that when they start out saying, "I'm not here to preach to you guys, but..." they inevitably sound like they're preaching after that. Why do they do that? [scratches head]

well, no worries. It was an enjoyable evening anyway, [though pple like Internal Bleeding would either walk out halfway or fall asleep during the guy's talk. Ha!] and it was great seeing stingray again. [awww.....] Too bad I didn't get a sock at the end of it. They were rather cute. *wink wink*

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