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Tuesday, December 09, 2003

In the name of literary balance, I'm gonna write something light-hearted to compensate for the heaviness below, so here's:

Love Actually Is All Around

I finally caught Love Actually and kudos and credits to Quet for getting the tix at half price. [ha! Nyah nyah to the rest of you!]

NOte about this show: This is definitely something to catch if you have a bf/gf as a companion. Richard Curtis, who also created Bridget Jones' Diary, 4 Weddings, and Notting Hill, produced (I think he produced.... I think) this romantic comedy revolving around these couples who are loosely related. The relationships are something like:

The PM of Britain falls in love with Natalie, and his sister is
Karen is married to Harry, who's attracted to his secretary. Working in Harry's office is Sarah, in love with Carl, hot latin hunk.
Karen is also friends with Daniel, who's stepson is in love with a girl at sch, and Daniel is friends with
Jamie, who's in love with his Portuguese housekeeper, though they don't understand each other linguistically.
Jamie is friends with Mark, who loves his best friend's new bride.

Out of the whole sequence, seemingly, is Colin, self-proclaimed sex god who flies to US for a shag, cos he's convinced that all American girls think British men are hot. And Billy Mack, whose Xmas spoof on Love Is All Around beats Blue's single to become the top single for xmas. [his single is played in snippets throughout the entire show]

V.funny show, though the British slang and accent may mean that you might miss a few jokes. Also amazing is how they managed to sew in the stories of so many disparate characters and yet not make it confusing to watch. [hint to all: don't think about the relationships between the characters. just concentrate on the love that is all around.] Not too many love cliches also, thankfully, but then again, isn't love in the movies a kinda cliche already? The difference is that here, this movie seems to say, "Yea, I'm about love, so what about it? Sod off, mate"

Fluffy, comfy movie. Watching it at xmas is kinda like curling up in front of the fire in a pile of blankets and a mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows. :) Gives you that warm, cosy feeling. [or maybe it was 'cos I was wrapped up in my shawl throughout the whole movie.]

For more pro reviews, check out:
The Official Site [ Might take a while to load ]
and for a more balanced view,
Rotten Tomatoes

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