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Thursday, September 16, 2004

The scary thing is that yet another person has died on the tracks of Bishan MRT. Where I take the train every week to get to tuition. *shudder* Considering that Bishan used to be the site of the largest cemetery in Singapore, maybe the construction for the Circle Line 'disturbed' something it shouldn't have... *shudder again*

And why not? My student, living next to Cat. High told me about how spooky her area was at night, weird sounds and everything. And Juls once told me that Cat. High had some gravestones hidden away near the basketball courts. ( How he and his friends could still play basketball there escapes me. )

Not to mention that the 7th Month still isn't over, and there are still ashes and offerings everywhere. ( I swear, the PSI just went haywire this month. )

So............ *shiver*

Ok, more mundane stuff before I freak myself out.

People, I like it that you like the animals, but gimme time to design... please... I still have to do other things for a honest living... *sob sob*

Although when thinking of Krystal's hippo, this came to mind:

hippo and bird
The cap reads: "Someone needs to brush"

And I'm hung up over psychedelic sheep, for some reason!

psychedelic sheep

This is part of a larger T-shirt design, which is as follows:

Don't Just Be a Black Sheep

Gonna iron that one onto something soon, so that you guys can see what it'll look like....

As usual, all designs have been uploaded into the FunnyFarm Photobucket album, [note the bright yellow icon on top] so you can download them if you want. But hey, if you want them on T-shirts, or cards, email me, and contribute to the BoredSlacker Fund......

More designing and artwork on the way! Starting to get the feel of what it feels like to be a freelance artist! What with one project after another looming over my head, and my tuition to boot... Argh! It seems that these days I'm in front of the computer the whole afternoon, staring at layers and styles in Photoshop and messing around.

Other free times are spent wandering around in Popular looking for cheap iron-on paper, greeting card paper, and ideas, ideas, ideas...... Now I'm tempted to get this other rub-on paper which would allow me to paste my designs on plastic stuff, like handphone covers, cups, coasters... Good god! The possibilities are endless, and this is just from Popular!

The con side is of course, lack of money...... *sigh* And a constant need to focus, focus, FOCUS, and not get distracted by every single possibility that lies before me. *sigh sigh sigh*

Need constant KITAs...

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