No English? No Problem!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Was just surfing through the Xanga website. Those not in the know, it's another bloggin server, out there for you to create cool blogs. [when i write it that day, 'bloggin' now looks like an adjective rather than a verb..]

So anyway, not a bad website. There are a bunch of features that Blogger doesn't have, like the ability to put background images on your blog and profile pictures of yourself. Coolz. Unfortunately the code doesn't seem as manipulat-able [is there such a word at all??] as the Blogger code. Somehow all the xanga sites look pretty much the same as one another. [sorry kry5t4l. :p] So either the HTML is not accessible to the public, or the owners of the sites I've seen have not tried anything with it. :p

And somehow you can only link to other xanga sites? You can't seem to put external links on your blog, like I did with this one. Once again, matter of coding.... The Code is the secret language, known only to the few who are willing to learn. Very Jedi, but since we're talking about computer code, it kinda fits. In a way. [right, release your inner geek]

However, the good thing about it would be since you can't manipulate the code, you have to rely on your own writing to keep your readers interested and coming back. [that is, unless, like in this case, your readers are your friends who don't wanna hurt your feelings by saying they didn't read your blog. :p] No flashy animation, [not that much anyway] no long list of Links To Websites I Like, and no pictures. [none of the blogging servers allow picture upload anyway, unless you pay for it] Just good, ole' simple writing.

But isn't that the same for Blogger anyway? Wat the 'eck are you talkin' about?

er..... you know what? I don't know anymore.... :P :p :p

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