No English? No Problem!

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Internal Bleeding: I'm always up for a jam+drinks session.... even better if it's at my house. I don't have to lug the guitar somewhere and I don't have to worry about getting drunk on some street. Moreover the drinks are free. Mwahahaha..... :p Name the time and date pal....

So one fine Sunday morning, while I'm contentedly reading the newspapers in the living room, my dad yells out from the com room:

"OIE! Bored Slacker!!"

Oooooh boy........ daddy found the blog. First thing that crosses my mind are the recent entries in my blog: Chocolates, ice cream and sex. Graduate Unemployment Woes. Groan at the thought of having to justify and explain the stuff I've previously written for the entire Internet to see but never told my own father.

Then he goes on about Cats in Bishan, and eating roti prata on Sundays, and I frown: When the heck did I last write about eating roti prata for breakfast? For the life of me I couldn't remember. Then I ask him whether he went to the other website for my camera phone pix and he goes, "Ha? You have another website?"

Ok, so probably my dad saw a very, very outdated version of the blog. [hoping he did anyway] And he didn't even see the camera pix one. *Phew* I went into his profile, found the link in the history folder n deleted it. The only problem with that is that he may think it suspicious. Would he? He hardly goes online. Oh phish. Fortunately the stuff I write here isn't anything like what Belle Du Jour writes on hers. Then again, I'm not a London callgirl, so what do I have to worry about? That Daddy sees my fan raving about Agatha Christie? :)

BTW, my fren kry5t4l has come up with a blog for women to rave about love, relationships, singlehood, [contributor on that last topic, moi] and everything wonderfully rainbow-ish, good, sucky about it. Take a read at Scents N The Pretty. She's also looking for people interested in writing for it, so if u want, er, indicate on the tagboard? :p

Also tried tidying up the blog again. Hope this looks 'presentable' to u guys, meaning that you can read the words in a coherent fashion. Also that you can see the little cat pix up there. Pray to God this works.

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