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Sunday, June 13, 2004

Post Departure Blues

It's about 21 more hours till I depart and now I'm suffering from some kinda post-depart-blues.

Has anyone read/saw the book/movie 25 hours? It's about the last 25 hours a guy spends in the city of New York before he has to go to jail. All throughout the book, the guy notices lots of small details about the city that he never noticed before. It's like he has this one last chance to take in everything before he loses it all. The writer also describes all these things in intimate detail, so we can imagine how the main character would feel, looking at these sights he took for granted before, for the last time.

In some weird way, I kinda empathize with that. My last few days in Singapore, I've been going around thinking, "This is the last time [for 3 weeks] I'm gonna be walking around here. This is the last time [for 3 weeks] I'm gonna be doing this. This is the... Ah screw this!!!"

Maybe it's because this is gonna be the first time in about 10 years [yes, it's been that long] that I'm going to leave Singapore for more than a week. Before this, it was all little holidays to Malaysia, [lots of those] once to China, once to Jakarta, but always Asian countries. Yellow skin and black hair. Chinese, Malay, some Hokkien, always something familiar in the background.

Now it's the Land of the Ang Mohs. Now I'm the odd one out. Sigh.

So I've been going around like the condemned man, trying to take in all my familiar sights for the last time, [for 3 weeks] trying to remember what everything looks like, eating the food I know I can't get there... weird, that for a holiday, I'm acting a little like a condemned person.

Oh God, I'll miss everything. Me bed. Me bolster. Me radio. Me handphone. Me comics. Me books. Me prata. Me Indian rojak. Me blog. And of course, me Frenz. ;)

Going home at 12am and knowing that nothing will happen to me on the way. Walking around Orchard Road knowing that the chances of me getting pickpocketed is that little. Carelessly throwing my handphone into my bag. The greenery. The fresh air. The familiarity of it all.

Who was it who said you had to lose something in order to know just how much you loved it?

And not to mention, MY PARENTS AREN'T EVEN SEEING ME OFF!!!!! They had this idea that I was leaving on Tuesday and they made plans!!! I was like, "Huh? Ok lor." and called jcsz to enquire about space on his car to the airport. Then later my father comes around and tells me that maybe he'll see me off, and "Huh?" I'd already called jcsz! So he goes, "Ok lor, then you go with your friend lor."

ARGH!!!!! MEN!! BLOCKS! BLOCKS ALL OF THEM! [That includes YOU and I think you know who you are!] It just FIGURES that they're the ones who SUCK at the body-language reading [as evidenced by a book Candle and I were browsing through] and the emotion reading part! Of COURSE I want you to fetch me there! Chris'sakes, your only daughter is leaving the country for 3 weeks without you lor! You gonna just let her go without even knowing WHO she's going with???

I donno whether to take that as a sign of their trust in me abilities, or their lack of concern. "Hey, she's gone before and come back alright." Grr.

Ok, I'm definitely entering PMS mode. And about to fly off somemore. Damn. Need chocolate to stabilize.

Or alcohol would be good too. Hmmm......

Nah, I'll stick to good ol' humour.

Another song to add to our spoof collection:

Leaving on a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
My luggage's dumped near my front door
I'm blogging now, just to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
I don't have time to finish my song
Already I'm so crappy I could die

So see me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
To come back, then to the pub we'll go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
It's 3 weeks when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I have to go

There's so many times I've crapped around
So many people I've suanned around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing
[cos I was talking rubbish]

Every place I go, I think of you [all]
Every pic I take, I'll take for you [all]
When I come back I'll upload everything [into my blog......]

So see me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
To come back and all my pix I'll show...

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
It's 3 weeks when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I have to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me blog here
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I will be able to blog once more
About the times that I won't have to say ...

Oh, see me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
To come back and shop and eat again....

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
It's 3 weeks when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I have to go......

1 comment:

quetz said...

Hahah! Your dad treats Jcsz your bf already lah... that's why they trust him completely! hahahah